45 years ago on November 1, 1977, the staff in the Belarusian Scientific Research Institute numbered 52 members, among which 22 researchers, including 1 M.D. and 9 Candidates of Medical Science.
In 2000 – the last year when the structure of the Institute of Cardiology consisted of only scientific subdivisions – 153 members worked, among which 97 researchers, including 18 M.Ds and 33 Candidates of Medical Science.
From January 1, 2001 the Institute was re-named in the RSPC «Cardiology». At present the staff of the RSCP "Cardiology" numbers 782, among which 185 physicians, 287 nurses. 40 researchers work in scientific subdivisions of the Centre, among which 3 Professors, 8 Assosiate Professor, 6 Ph.D., and 15 Candidates of Science. Many physicians who have doctor’s and candidate’s scientific degrees and manage the clinical departments, keep doing researches.
Over the last 40 years the applicants of the Center have defended 32 doctoral and 117 candidate’s theses.
6 workers of the Centre are full members of the FESC – the European Society of Cardiologists:
- Natalya Pavlovna Mitkovskaya
- Gelis Ludmila Grigorievna
- Karpova Irena Stanislavovna
- Kurlianskaya Elena Konstantinovna
- Liventseva Maria Mikhailovna
- Ostrovsky Yuri Petrovitch
The workers of the Centre are State prize-winners of Belarus:
Medal in 1996 – Ostrovsky Y.P. – in the field of science and technology, for elaboration and implementation of the "Planiks" prosthetic cardiac valve.
1996 – Nikitin Y.G., Polonetsky L.Z., Frolov А.V., Mironchik V.V., Vorobiov А.P., Sidorenko G.I. – in the field of science and technology, for the set of devices and technologies for non-invasive diagnostics of cardiovascular system (Impecard-М, Intecard-3, Intecard-4, Holter-monitor КР-01).
In 1970 a cardiosurgeon of the Centre, a Candidate of Medical Science Skorniakov Vladimir Ivanovitch was awarded with the medal «For work valour».
Nechesova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Head of Arterial Hypertension Laboratory, a Candidate of Medical Science was awarded with the medal «For work valour» in 1970.
In 2000 Mrochek Alexander Gennadyevich was awarded with “Health care high achiever”.
Professor Ostrovsky Yuri Petrovitch was awarded in 2001 with the Order of Honor, the Gold Medal at the International exhibition in Bulgaria (Sofia) for the Planiks-D artificial cardiac valve.
Gaiduk Valentina Nikolaevna awarded a Medal for the development of virgin lands
In 2006 a leading researcher of the Centre, a Candidate of Medical Sciences Liventseva Maria Mikhailovna was awarded with the medal "For work merits".
In 2009, Head of Cardiac Surgery Unit Valentiukevich Andrey Valentinovich was awarded with Work Merits Medal.
In 2009, Head of the laboratory of cardiac surgery, Ostrovsky Yury Petrovich was awarded The Title of Honored Doctor of the Republic of Belarus.
Currently, there are 31 healthcare specialists of RRPC ‘Cardiology’ who have been awarded with "Healthcare Merit" Order.
In 2011, Karpova Irena Stanislavovna, Senior Research Scientist of Chronic Ischemic Heart Diseases Laboratory was awarded with the Certificate of Merit by the Ministry Of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2012 Ostrovsky Yury Petrovich was awarded with the Certificate of Merit by the Ministry Of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2012, Korobko Irina Yurievna, Senior Research Scientist of Arterial Hypertension Laboratory, Candidate of Medicine, was awarded with the Certificate of Merit by the Ministry Of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2012, Mikutsky Nikolay Stanislavovich, Cardiac Surgeon of Cardiac Surgery Department No. 1 awarded with "Healthcare Merit" Order.
In 2012, Kurlianskaya Elena Konstatinovna Deputy director of therapeutic care, Head of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation Laboratory, Candidate of Medicine; Goncharik Dmitry Borisovich- Senior Research Scientist of Heart Rhythm Disorder Laboratory, Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor, got personal monthly allowances for a prominent contribution to a socioeconomic development of the country (Executive Order No. 23 of the President of RB).
In 2012, Sudzhaeva Svetlana Georgievna, Head of Cardiac and Cardiosurgical Patient Rehabilitation Laboratory, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Sudzhaeva Olga Alexandrovna, Senior Research Scientist of Cardiac and Cardiosurgical Patient Rehabilitation Laboratory, Candidate of Medicine were honored with National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Prize 2011 (Act No. 57 by NASB Council).
In 2013, Mrochek Alexander Gennadyevich, Doctor of Medical Science, Academician, Managing Director of RRPC ‘Cardiology’ was honored by National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Prize for ‘The Rationale, Development and Implementation of Novel International Treatment Modalities of Cardiovascular Diseases’ work.
In 2013, Barsukevich Veronika Cheslavovna, Candidate of Medicine, Senior Research Scientist of Heart Rhythm Disorder Laboratory of RRPC ‘Cardiology’was awarded with the V.F. Kuprevich Young Scientists National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Prize 2013 for ‘Cardioprotective Effects of Local and Distal Myocardial Conditioning’ (Pilot Study).
In 2013, Belinskaya Yulia Andreevna, Head of Admission Office of RRPC ‘Cardiology’, Bulgak Alexander Grigorievich, Deputy Director of Medical Affairs of RRPC ‘Cardiology’were awarded with ‘Healthcare Merit’ Order.
In 2013 Trudnova Galina Arkadyevna, Chief Nurse of clinical diagnostic laboratory of RRPC ‘Cardiology’were awarded with the Certificate of Merit by the Ministry Of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2014, Kurlianskaya Elena Konstatinovna – Head of Chronic Ischemic Heart Diseases Laboratory of RRPC ‘Cardiology’ was awarded with ‘Healthcare Merit’ Order.
In 2014, Shumovets Vadim Vladimirovich, Head of Cardiac Surgery №2 of RRPC ‘Cardiology’, Stelmashok Valery Ivanovich, Head of Emergency and Interventional Cardiology Laboratory of RRPC ‘Cardiology’ were awarded with the Certificate of Merit by the Ministry Of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2014, Bushkevich Marina Iosiphovna, Cardiac Surgeon of Extracorporeal Circulation Laboratory, Candidate of Medicine, was awarded with ‘Healthcare Merit’ Order.
In 2014, Zayats Ludmila Sergeevna, Anesthesiologist of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Department No. 2, was awarded with the Certificate of Merit of Belarus.
In 2015, Mrochek Alexander Gennadyevich, Director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center Cardiology, was awarded The Title of Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2015, Kazaeva Natalya Anatolyevna, Senior Research Scientist of Cardiological Rehabilitation, Candidate of Medicine, was awarded with ‘Healthcare Merit’ Order.
In 2015, Goncharik Dmitri Borisovich, Endovascular Surgeon, X-Ray Specialist, Candidate of Medicine was awarded with the ‘Healthcare Merit’ Order.
In 2016, Pavlova Olga Stepanovna, Head of Arterial Hypertension Laboratory, Candidate of Medicine, was awarded with ‘Healthcare Merit’ Order.
In 2016, Barsukevich Veronica Cheslavovna, Senior Research Scientist of Heart Rhythm Disturbance Laboratory, Candidate of Medicine, was awarded with the Certificate of Merit of Belarus.
In 2016, Spiridonov Sergey Victorvich, Deputy director of surgical care, Candidate of Medicine was awarded with the Certificate of Merit of Belarus.
In 2016, Schetinko Nikolay Nikolaevich, Cardiac Surgeon of Cardiac Surgery Department No. 2 was awarded with the Certificate of Merit of Belarus.
In 2016, Dubrovskaya Galina Mikhaylovna, Chief Accountant of RRPC ‘Cardiology’, was awarded with the Certificate of Merit of Belarus.
In 2016, Romanovsky Dmitry Valentinovich, Head of the Intensive Care Unit №1 was awarded with “Health care high achiever”.
In 2016, Sevrukevich Vasily Ivanovich, Head of the Cardiosurgery department №3 was awarded with “Health care high achiever”.
In 2016, Chernooky Oleg Grigorievich, Doctor of the Intensive Care Unit №2 was awarded with “Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus”.
In 2016, Dydyshko Leonid leonidovich, Doctor of the Intensive Care Unit №2 was awarded with “Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus”.
In 2017, Plachinskaya Larisa Iosifovna, Researcher of the Heart Rhytm Disorder Laboratory was awarded with “Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus”.
In 2017, Ostrovsky Yury Petrovich, Head of the Heart Surgery Laboratory, was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus and the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2017, Valentyukevich Andrei Valentinovich, anesthesiologist-resuscitator (head of department) of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation No. 2 with 16 beds, was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus and the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2017, Marina Georgievna Koliadko, Head of the diagnostic laboratory, was awarded with «Excellent worker of public health».
In 2017, Tatiana Segeevna Gubich, Leading researcher of Cardiac Rehabilitation laboratory, was awarded with Commendation Certificate of the National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2017, Maria Mihailovna Liventseva, Leading researcher of Arterial hypertension laboratory, was awarded with Commendation Certificate of the National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2017, Larisa Vladimirovna Rachok, Head of the 3rd Cardiology Department, was awarded with Commendation Certificate of the National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2018, Olga Alexandrovna Sudzhaeva, Head of the Chronic ischemic heart disease laboratory, was awarded with «Excellent worker of public health» .
In 2018, Chasnoit Alexander Robertovich, X-ray endovascular surgeon, was awarded the «Excellence in Health» sign.
In 2018, Kazanovskaya Olga Borisovna, anesthesia nurse of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation No. 1 for 6 beds, was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2019, Valery Ivanovich Stelmashok, Head of the Laboratory for Emergency and Interventional Cardiology, was awarded the badge «Excellent worker of public health».
In 2019, Vladimir Vladimirovich Andrushchuk, a cardiac surgeon at the Cardiosurgical Department No. 2 with 25 beds, was awarded the badge «Excellent worker of public health».
In 2019, Liana Gennadyevna Shestakova, a cardiac surgeon (head of the department) of extracorporeal circulation, was awarded the badge «Excellent worker of public health».
In 2019, Aleksei Leonidovich Smolyakov, a cardiac surgeon at the Cardiosurgical Department No. 1 with 25 beds, was awarded the badge «Excellent worker of public health».
In 2019, Tatyana Vasilievna Sevruk, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics (head of the department) of the department of ultrasound diagnostics, was awarded the badge «Excellent worker of public health».
In 2019, Oleg Leonidovich Polonetsky, a doctor of X-ray endovascular surgeon (head of X-ray surgery) of X-ray surgery, was awarded the badge «Excellent worker of public health».
In 2019, Irena Stanislavovna Karpova, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Chronic Coronary Heart Disease, was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2019, Igor Evgenievich Androloit, cardiac surgeon of the Cardiac Surgery Department No. 2 with 25 beds, was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2019, Tatyana Anatolyevna Dubovik, cardiologist of the Cardiology Department No. 3 with 20 beds, was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2019, Vladimir Viktorovich Apanasevich, a functional diagnostics doctor (department head) of the functional diagnostics department, was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.